Derek Jeter–what?!

Friday was a fun day! I started the morning off with my own WOD in my front yard. I used my kettle bell, body weight exercises, and sprints to come up with the following…

Lap around the block sprint (approx. 400meters) 

20 Kettle Bell Swings 

20 Push ups 

20 Burpees 

20 Air Squats 

Repeat 4 times 

Followed by Arnold press 3×8, tricep extensions 3×15, and lateral raises 3×10 with the kettle bell 

This was the perfect at home work out since I was a bit crunched for time and it still got me feeling the burn! After my work out I made a quick breakfast. I have been sick of eggs lately, which are my go to for starting the day with protein. So I switched it up to have some plain greek yogurt, strawberries, and Beark Naked Granola. I love this stuff! With 10g of protein in 1/4 cup its a great addition to yogurt. When I followed IIFYM this was great too with 7f/12c/10p it fit my macros well.


The real highlight of my day was NOT the yogurt though.. at work we had Derek Jeter as a guest speaker! Talk about an amazing athlete. He spoke about his career in baseball and how he is loving his retirement. He also spoke about the energy of the NY Yankees and how rewarding it was to just be associated with the team. Being in NY you can really feel how powerful and dedicated the Yankee fans are! He said it is nice to be able to work out when he Wants to and not feel he has to. It was such a great reward that my company brought him in to speak to us! Have a good weekend!


Question- What are your breakfast ideas to start the day with protein? Whats your favorite way to get in a quick workout? 

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